Ultherapy – Dr. Arash Moradzadeh
Serving Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and surrounding areas
Ultherapy, often referred to as “the ultrasound facelift” or “weekend facelift” is a revolutionary new technology for the visible lifting and tightening of facial skin. It makes ultrasound technology in a completely new way to lift and elevate the facial tissue – just as face lift surgery can do. In traditional ultrasound the waves are non-focused, which means they travel in a straight line directly out from the source. By contrast, Ultherapy uses targeted ultrasound that focuses the ultrasound waves down to a focal point, creating a microthermal coagulation zone that precisely heats the tissue to cause contraction and tightening of the collagen in the skin. Ultherapy is the only non-invasive device that treats the SMAS layer, which is the tissue targeted with neck lift and face lift surgery.
What To Expect Afterwards.
Following the Ultherapy facelift treatment, most patients feel an immediate tightening of the skin and can sense the lifting action. The skin in the treated areas may feel slightly numb to the touch — a sensation that can last anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks. Occasionally there is also mild soreness over the jawbone and forehead areas treated with Ultherapy, but both of these symptoms are mild and improve with time.
After Ultherapy treatment, patients generally see immediate improvements in the neck and jowl area — some permanent and some temporary. The contraction, tightening and creation of new collagen take between two to six months to fully manifest. Once they do, the results can be quite long lasting.
Is Ultherapy Right For You?
Candidates for Ultherapy typically complain they’re starting to see some relaxation of the neck skin, formation of early jowls and descent of the brow.The procedure works best on patients with mild to moderate laxity and sagging of the skin, although Dr. Moradzadeh has also achieved excellent results in patients who have more significant skin redundancy. Ultherapy is an excellent treatment for those individuals who want to tighten their skin and reverse the signs of aging, but who are too busy to take significant time off for facelift surgery or more aggressive laser treatments.
For most patients, there is no “downtime” with the Ultherapy skin tightening procedure. Patients may experience mild redness of the skin, but it usually lasts less than a half hour. Individuals with sensitive skin may also develop small raised bumps, which usually go away immediately after applying ice. Occasionally an antihistamine such as Claritin can be used as well.
Dr. Moradzadeh performs all Ultherapy treatments in his Beverly Hills and Santa Barbara office. He is an early adopter of this treatment and has extensive experience in its application. Dr. Moradzadeh has several customized protocol to apply the Ultherapy technology to meet your individual needs. Many patients seek Dr. Moradzadeh’s expertise to correct irregularities resulting from prior facelifts they are not happy with. Using a variety of techniques including Ultherapy, these irregularities are corrected with no down time.
Collagen/Tissue Animation – Triple Depth