PRP with Microneedling

PRP with Micro-needling, Collagen Induction therapy
With our busy lifestyles, more and more people are looking for treatments to make their skin look fresh and youthful without invasive procedures and minimal downtime.

PRP- platelet rich plasma has been used in orthopedic surgery to help induce healing in injured tissues. It became apparent that PRP could also induce collage production in the skin resulting in elimination of fine lines, improved skin texture and clarity, reduced brown spots and reduced appearance of acne scars. PRP is now also being injected into the scalp to try and regrow hair.

PRP treatment requires drawing 1 small tube of your blood, spinning it in centrifuge for 15 minutes. This will yield approximately 6cc of platelet rich plasma filled with growth factors, which will induce collage production and repair.

PRP was initially injected under the skin in the areas of concern. A shift occurred with the introduction of micro-needling automated pens. PRP is now being administered in conjunction with micro-needling. Micro-needling creates tiny channels in the skin, which allow absorption of the PRP into the skin. The tissue injury created by the micro-needles will also stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin. Topical products will absorb after the treatment with improved efficiency.

Dr. Moradzadeh uses the Eclipse micropen for best results. Dr. Moradzadeh performs all the procedures himself and no two treatments are alike. Everyone gets a tailor made treatment designed to treat his or her specific goals.

After 2 days, you will notice and immediate glow in the skin. Over the next 6 months continued improvements are seen as collagen begins to build. Most people will require 3 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart for optimal results. Dr. Moradzadeh will also create custom skin care regimen to boost your results.

B & A Eclipse MicroPen Acne

B & A Eclipse MicroPen Stretch Marks

B & A Eclipse MicroPen Hair Restoration

PRP with micro-needling is used to:

Reduce Dark spots
Eliminate Fine lines
To tighten the skin
Reduce appearance of acne scars
Manage dark circles under the eye
Regrow hair on the scalp
*all body parts can be treated

With good skin care and sun protection, PRP results are lasting.
Unlike lasers, which are safe only in lighter skin tones, PRP and needling is safe for all skin types and sun avoidance is not necessary.

Downtime varies by the technique used for your specific treatment. It is usually 24-48 hours.