Neck liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that improves the appearance of the neck area by removing excess fat deposits. The procedure tends to be more effective on individuals of normal body weight who have areas of fat that have proven resistant to diet and exercise.
Individuals with persistent fat deposits on the neck that detract from the youthful angularity of the lower face are good candidates for neck liposuction. It’s also an excellent treatment for a double chin, neckbands, fat around the jowl area, or poor jaw definition.
Before surgery, photos are taken and the neck area is marked. The face and neck are cleansed thoroughly and local anesthesia is administered. Small incisions are placed on each side of the jaw, or centrally below the chin. The fat is saturated with tumescent solution to prepare it for removal.
The fat that is situated just below the skin and above the neck muscle (the platysma) is then removed with suction. This area contains no major blood vessels or nerves, so it can be removed safely. The doctor uses a small tube called a cannula to vacuum the fat from the area that’s being treated. The procedure takes anywhere from thirty minutes to 1 hour to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area.
Recovery time from the procedure is relatively short. For the first 24 hours, the neck area will be wrapped in gauze. Some swelling should be expected for about 3 to 5 days after surgery. The patient is given a special elastic garment (a chin strap) to control swelling and promote skin contraction. This should be worn for about one week or until the doctor says it can be removed. Wearing high-necked clothing or scarves is recommended during the recovery period. Temporary side effects may include soreness and bruising. Most patients are able to return to work within one week. However, more strenuous activities and physical exercise should be avoided for two weeks.
Individuals with persistent fat deposits on the neck that detract from the youthful angularity of the lower face are good candidates for neck liposuction. It’s also an excellent treatment for a double chin, a “no neck” look, neckbands, fat around the jowl area, or poor jaw definition. However, patients need to have adequate skin tone and elasticity for the procedure to have optimal results.
Neck liposuction does not address loose skin on the neck or crepe-y skin, so it may be necessary to combine the procedure with other treatments, such as laser resurfacing or chemical peel. Some patients may benefit from Ultherapy to achieve tightening and improved skin texture with no down time. Dr. Moradzadeh can customize a treatment program to help you achieve maximum effects.